A Little Long Distance Care from Home

The worst part of being laid up with an injury, besides that you sit on the couch so much that you might as well throw it away once you’re healed, is the long distance telephone care you get from your mother. That’s not to be ungrateful or unappreciative. Moms will be moms, no matter if you’re three years old or 73. The truth is moms care and moms worry. And more than anything, moms want to be there for you and they think they know the answers, even if they have no idea what the problem is. “Brian, did you ask them about clotting?” she quizzed me the day after my freak surfing injury a fin punctured my upper thigh and left me with 40 stitches on the surface, and many more in the muscle beneath. “There could be a problem with clotting. You know it runs in the family, and the doctor probably needs to know that.” First off, there is no history of clotting in my family. Truth is, one family member once having a problem with clotting doesn’t constitute a “history.” And last time I checked, blood that clots is actually a good thing. Otherwise, we might leak a lot. But where did she get that one? She never has simple, easy or obvious questions like, “Did they sew up the right leg?” or “Did they make sure they didn’t leave any cotton balls in there?” No, instead they’re far-out, wild, uncommon, and unusual questions. “Did you … Continue reading A Little Long Distance Care from Home